Featured in World Leather Aug/Sept 2011

We forgot to bring in the mail yesterday, so today I woke up to a super surprise. I was expecting to see a small feature of my work in World Leather, but in fact, check out the cover!

A few months ago, I got a nice email from Jennie Musgrove of World Leather. She wanted to write something about my work in their next publication. I was caught up in the frenzy of our summer and didn’t get back to her. Luckily, she called and asked to interview me. A nice conversation turned into a wonderfully written article. Thank you Jennie Musgrove and World Leather!

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One Comment

  1. Posted September 15, 2011 at 3:29 PM | Permalink

    I hadn’t seen the cover, this is just fantastic! Can’t read the article in my iPhone but look forward to checking it out when I get home. Congrats!